Coach AgriScan  

MCQs on Trends in Indian Agriculture and Government Policies

Q.1 What is the contribution of agriculture to the national GDP of India?

a. 10%

b. 15%

c. 30%

d. 50%

Q.2 What is the contribution of agriculture in the employment generation of India?

a. 15%

b. 35%

c. 45%

d. 65%

Q.3 What is the percentage share of export earnings from agricultural export?

a. 10%

b. 25%

c. 40%

d. 55%

Q.4 Which among the following sector is the major non-point source of pollution?

a. Agriculture

b. Industry

c. Manufacture

d. Infrastructure

Q.5 Percentage of total freshwater used in the Agriculture sector?

a. Agriculture

b. Industry

c. Manufacture

d. Infrastructure

Q.6 Percentage of total freshwater used in the Agriculture sector?

a. 20%

b. 40%

c. 60%

d. 80%

Q.7 The total geographical area of India is?

a. 144 m ha

b. 197 m ha

c. 276 m ha

d. 329 m ha

Q.8 The state has the highest forest cover?

a. UP

b. MP

c. CG

d. AP

Q.9 Which among the following revolution is associated with fish production?

a. UP

b. MP

c. CG

d. AP

Q.10 What is the net crop area of India?

a. 140 m ha

b. 180 m ha

c. 198 m ha

d. 329 m ha

Q.11 What is the cropping intensity of India?

a. 111%

b. 126%

c. 136%

d. 146%

Q.12 Which state is having the highest cropping intensity in India?

a. Punjab

b. Haryana

c. UP

d. WB

Q.13 The country has the largest irrigated area in the world?

a. China

b. India

c. Egypt

d. USA

Q.14 Total food grain production of India in 2020-21?

a. 230 m t

b. 281 m t

c. 292 m t

d. 313 m t

Q.15 Total horticultural crop production of India in 2020-21?

a. 98 m t

b. 185 m t

c. 292 m t

d. 313 m t

Q.16 Highest per hectare fertilizer consuming state in 2020-21?

a. Punjab

b. UP

c. Telangana

d. AP

Q.17 Fertilizer ratio used in India in 2020-21?

a. 4:2:1

b. 6.7:2.4:1

c. 31.4:8:1

d. 22.7:6.1:1

Q.18 Total degraded land area of India in 2020-21?

a. 96.4 m ha

b. 120.8 m ha

c. 139.9 m ha

d. 187.6 m ha

Q.19 Total pulse production of India in 2020-21?

a. 23.02 m ha

b. 106.21 m ha

c. 117.47 m ha

d. 194.8 m ha

Q.20 Total numbers of KVKs established up to 14th Sept. 2021 is?

a. 711

b. 721

c. 722

d. 724

Q.21 Which among the following govt. policy regulate APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities?




d. eNAM

Q.22 The agency under MoA&FW who implemented eNAM?

a. Agricultural producing market Co.

b. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium



Q.23 Which of the following are not the dimensions fixed in NMSA?

a. Water Use Efficiency

b. Nutrient management

c. Livelihood diversification

d. Mitigation of GHG emission

Q.24 Which among the following is not a scheme under NMSA?

a. SHM



d. Mission organic value chain development in NER

Q.25 “More crop per drop” is the slogan for which among the following scheme?

a. Soil health card




Q.26 To promote organic farming in the country, PKVY was launched in the year?

a. 2014

b. 2015

c. 2018

d. 2020

Q.27 How many soil parameters have been taken to develop a soil health card?

a. 4

b. 8

c. 12

d. 16

Q.28 For the development of the Agro-marine processing sector, which among the scheme was launched?





Q.29 The premium paid by farmers for horticultural crops insured by PMFBY?

a. 1.5%

b. 2%

c. 3%

d. 5%

Q.30 The revolution that is associated with biodiesel or Jatropha production?

a. Green revolution

b. Blue revolution

c. Black revolution

d. White revolution

For Answers and Explanations, Click Here

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