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MCQs on Rainfed farming and rainfall analysis

Self-assessment Test (SAT)


Rainfed farming & Rainfall Analysis

 (Useful for students appearing JRF/SRF/NET-Agronomy, IBPS AFO, RAEO, RHEO, AAO, ASCO, ADA, IFFCO & other agri-competitive examinations)

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Q.1 Rainfall is called “Deficit”, when the rainfall is______% of normal annual rainfall

  1. > 19%
  2. -19 to 19%
  3. -19 to -59%
  4. < – 59%

Q.2 In dryland areas, the CV of rainfall is

  1. Lower
  2. Higher
  3. Same all over the country
  4. No relations

Q.3 In India, maximum rainfall is contributed by

  1. NE monsoon
  2. SW monsoon
  3. NW monsoon
  4. SE monsoon

Q.4 In which among the following state, a bimodal distribution of rainfall is observed ?

  1. Himachal Pradesh
  2. West Bengal
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Odisha

Q.5 The length of the growing period for dryland farming is

  1. < 75 days
  2. 75-120 days
  3. 120-180 days
  4. > 180 days

Q.6 The climate classification based on the number of humid months (mean precipitation > mean ET) was proposed by

  1. FAO
  2. Thornthwaite and Mather
  4. Troll

Q.7 The MDI value at which climate is classified as sub-humid

  1. 0 to 33.3
  2. 0 to -33.3
  3. -33.3 to -66.6
  4. < – 66.6

Q.8 Research on dryland in India was 1st started at

  1. Manjri
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Bijapur
  4. Dehradun

Q.9 CAZRI was established in

  1. 1923
  2. 1959
  3. 1972
  4. 1985

Q.10 Which of the following dryland research institute was established the earliest ?

  1. CAZRI
  2. CRIDA

Q.11 A place is designated as dryland area, where;

  1. Annual RF > PET
  2. PET > annual RF
  3. PET = annual RF
  4. Annual RF ≥ PET

Q.12 Percentage rice grown area in India is in rainfed cultivation

  1. 20 %
  2. 50 %
  3. 70 %
  4. 90 %

Q.13 Dryland farming areas are also notified as

  1. Red areas
  2. Grey areas
  3. Brown areas
  4. Purple areas

Q.14 Minimum ______ years of rainfall data are required for the calculation of average rainfall of a region ?

  1. 10 years
  2. 20 years
  3. 30 years
  4. 50 years

Q.15 Monograph on dry farming in India was developed by

  1. Thornthwaite
  2. Koppen
  3. Troll
  4. N V Kanitkar

Q.16 Even after achieving the ultimate irrigation potential, ____ % of the area in India will still remain rainfed ?

  1. 20 %
  2. 30 %
  3. 50 %
  4. 70 %

Q.17 Total food grain contribution by dryland areas in India  

  1. 23 %
  2. 42 %
  3. 62 %
  4. 74 %

Q.18 Which of the following dryland implement is a seed cum fertilizer placement device attached with country plough ?

  1. Fespo plough
  2. Ridger seeder
  3. CRIDA drill plough
  4. CRIDA seed cum fertilizer drill

Q.19 Which of the following practice is uneconomical in dryland ?

  1. Mulching
  2. Application of anti-transpirant
  3. Green manuring
  4. All of the above

Q.20 Which of the following mulch is suitable for the successful cultivation of dryland fruit trees ?

  1. Straw mulch
  2. Plastic mulch
  3. Vertical mulch
  4. Pebble mulch

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