MCQs on Rainfed farming and rainfall analysis
Self-assessment Test (SAT)
Rainfed farming & Rainfall Analysis
(Useful for students appearing JRF/SRF/NET-Agronomy, IBPS AFO, RAEO, RHEO, AAO, ASCO, ADA, IFFCO & other agri-competitive examinations)
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Q.1 Rainfall is called “Deficit”, when the rainfall is______% of normal annual rainfall
- > 19%
- -19 to 19%
- -19 to -59%
- < – 59%
Q.2 In dryland areas, the CV of rainfall is
- Lower
- Higher
- Same all over the country
- No relations
Q.3 In India, maximum rainfall is contributed by
- NE monsoon
- SW monsoon
- NW monsoon
- SE monsoon
Q.4 In which among the following state, a bimodal distribution of rainfall is observed ?
- Himachal Pradesh
- West Bengal
- Tamil Nadu
- Odisha
Q.5 The length of the growing period for dryland farming is
- < 75 days
- 75-120 days
- 120-180 days
- > 180 days
Q.6 The climate classification based on the number of humid months (mean precipitation > mean ET) was proposed by
- Thornthwaite and Mather
- Troll
Q.7 The MDI value at which climate is classified as sub-humid
- 0 to 33.3
- 0 to -33.3
- -33.3 to -66.6
- < – 66.6
Q.8 Research on dryland in India was 1st started at
- Manjri
- Hyderabad
- Bijapur
- Dehradun
Q.9 CAZRI was established in
- 1923
- 1959
- 1972
- 1985
Q.10 Which of the following dryland research institute was established the earliest ?
Q.11 A place is designated as dryland area, where;
- Annual RF > PET
- PET > annual RF
- PET = annual RF
- Annual RF ≥ PET
Q.12 Percentage rice grown area in India is in rainfed cultivation
- 20 %
- 50 %
- 70 %
- 90 %
Q.13 Dryland farming areas are also notified as
- Red areas
- Grey areas
- Brown areas
- Purple areas
Q.14 Minimum ______ years of rainfall data are required for the calculation of average rainfall of a region ?
- 10 years
- 20 years
- 30 years
- 50 years
Q.15 Monograph on dry farming in India was developed by
- Thornthwaite
- Koppen
- Troll
- N V Kanitkar
Q.16 Even after achieving the ultimate irrigation potential, ____ % of the area in India will still remain rainfed ?
- 20 %
- 30 %
- 50 %
- 70 %
Q.17 Total food grain contribution by dryland areas in India
- 23 %
- 42 %
- 62 %
- 74 %
Q.18 Which of the following dryland implement is a seed cum fertilizer placement device attached with country plough ?
- Fespo plough
- Ridger seeder
- CRIDA drill plough
- CRIDA seed cum fertilizer drill
Q.19 Which of the following practice is uneconomical in dryland ?
- Mulching
- Application of anti-transpirant
- Green manuring
- All of the above
Q.20 Which of the following mulch is suitable for the successful cultivation of dryland fruit trees ?
- Straw mulch
- Plastic mulch
- Vertical mulch
- Pebble mulch
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