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Important MCQs on Precision Agriculture

Q.1 Which among the following component of precision agriculture ?
  1. GIS
  2. GPS
  3. RS
  4. All of the above
Q.2 Which among the following is involved in real time N management in field ?
  1. SPAD
  2. Green seeker
  3. LCC
  4. All of the above
Q.3 The science and art of obtaining information about an object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in direct contact with the subject under evaluation called
  1. GIS
  2. RS
  3. GPS
  4. VRT
Q.4 The sharp contrast in reflectance behavior between red and NIR portion of EM spectrum with respect to leaf reflectance is called
  1. Red drop
  2. Red edge
  3. Red effect
  4. Vegetation index
   Q.5 Which among the following is not a dominant factor controlling the leaf reflectance ?
  1. Stomatal opening
  2. Leaf pigments
  3. Cell structure
  4. Water content
Q.6 The principle of Green seeker is based on
  1. Canopy temperature depression
  2. Stress degree day
  3. NDVI
  4. LAI
Q.7 The value of NDVI ranges
  1. 0 to 1
  2. -1 to 1
  3. 0 to 10
  4. 0 to 99.9
Q.8 For assessing stress degree day, which among the following instrument is used ?
  1. Psychrometer
  2. SPAD meter
  3. IR thermometer
  4. IRGA
  Q.9 Computerized mapping system to acquire, store and display information in layers of data which can be combined with models and decision support system to construct a powerful management tool is known as
  1. GIS
  2. GPS
  3. RS
  4. VRT
Q.10 GPS receivers take signal from GPS satellites and use ______ to calculate users’ exact location
  1. Constellation
  2. Triangulation
  3. Mensuration
  4. Modulation
Q.11 At least how many satellites are required to determine the 3D position of a location ?
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
Q.12 The Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool was developed by
  1. IRRI
  2. IPNI
  3. FAO
  4. USDA
  Q.13 Which among the following is not a tool for precision farming ?
  1. Remote sensing
  2. Fertigation
  3. VRT applicator
  4. Biological weed control
Q.14 Which among the following is not a constraint for using laser assisted land levelling ?
  1. High cost
  2. Soil compaction
  3. Need of skilled operator
  4. Not suitable for irregular, small sized field
Q.15 Which among the following band of EM radiation is mostly used in remote sensing ?
  1. UV
  2. Radio
  3. Microwave
  4. Infra-red
Q.16 Which among the following sensors are used for identifying various crops or crops and weeds in a field ? 
  1. Multispectral
  2. Hyperspectral
  3. Panchromatic
  4. All of the above
   Q.17 The GPS system developed and used by India is 
  4. NAVIC
Q.18 Which among the following is an example of passive remote sensing ?
  1. RADAR
  2. LiDAR
  3. Radiometer
  4. All of the above
Q.19 What is the agricultural use of remote sensing ? 
  1. El-Nino monitoring
  2. Drought assessment
  3. Land usage and conservation
  4. All of the above
Q.20 Which among the following is not a characteristic of geo stationary satellite ?
  1. Circular orbit and at 36,000 kms altitude
  2. Ideal for communication and broadcasting
  3. These satellites are sun synchronous
  4. Moves West to East
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