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MCQs on Drought and Contingent Crop planning

Drought and Contingent crop planning


 Q.1 Who defined drought as a situation occurring in any area where the annual rainfall is less than 75% of the normal rainfall of the region ?

  1. Ramdas
  2. American Meteorological Society
  3. Irrigation Commission of India
  4. Indian Meteorological Department

Q.2 Which among the following is not a permanent climatic feature ?

  1. Drought
  2. Temperate
  3. Tropical
  4. Aridity

Q.3 Which among the following drought is not classified based on the duration ?

  1. Agricultural drought
  2. Contingent drought
  3. Seasonal drought
  4. Invisible drought

Q.4 Drought situation prevailed in areas receiving frequent rainfall but the potential evapotranspiration is greater than the precipitation

  1. Permanent drought
  2. Seasonal drought
  3. Contingent drought
  4. Invisible drought


 Q.5 The yield loss in agricultural drought depends on

  1. Crop growth stage
  2. Degree of stress
  3. Type of drought
  4. Both a & b

Q.6 Based on the relevance to users, drought was classified by

  1. IMD
  2. ICAR
  3. National Commission on Agriculture

Q.7 Moisture stress situation acts as drought for one crop, but another crop can suitably grow there, the drought is called

  1. Physiological drought
  2. Physical drought
  3. Relative drought
  4. Hydrological drought

Q.8 The plant population should be maintained _____ in drought condition than irrigated condition

  1. Lower
  2. Higher
  3. Same
  4. Either b or c


Q.9 The responsiveness of crops to rainfall is higher in

  1. Dry farming
  2. Rainfed farming
  3. Irrigated farming
  4. Same for all

Q.10 Intercropping is recommended where the annual rainfall is

  1. < 600 mm
  2. 600-800 mm
  3. 800-1100 mm
  4. > 1100 mm

Q.11 The growing of suitable crop in place of normally sown highly profitable crop of the region due to aberrant weather condition called

  1. Paira cropping
  2. Alley cropping
  3. Strip cropping
  4. Contingent cropping

Q.12 Which among the following mulch is the cheapest among different types of mulches used in dryland agriculture ?

  1. Straw mulch
  2. Soil mulch
  3. Vertical mulch
  4. Plastic mulch


 Q.13 Crop survives drought by early growth and maturity called

  1. Drought Escape
  2. Drought Resistance
  3. Drought Avoidance
  4. Drought Tollerance

Q.14 The best anti-transpirants reduce the transpiration loss up to ____ %

  1. 10-20 %
  2. 30-40 %
  3. 60-70 %
  4. > 90 %

Q.15 Which among the following is a thin, film forming type anti-transpirant ?

  1. Celite
  2. Mobileaf
  3. Hexadecanol
  4. Waxol

Q.16 Which among the following chemical used both as fungicide as well as anti-transpirant ?

  1. PMA
  2. Atrazine
  3. Cycocoel
  4. Kaolin


Q.17 In which among the following state, drought is least frequent ? 

  1. Odisha
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Assam

Q.18 Which among the following seed hardening chemical is used for sorghum and pearl millet ?

  1. Potassium chloride
  2. Succinic acid
  3. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
  4. Calcium chloride

Q.19 Which among the following amino acid is found in highest concentration during drought prevalence ?

  1. ABA
  2. Proline
  3. Lysine
  4. ethylene

Q.20 Which among the following plants grow better in drought situation ?

  1. C3
  2. C4
  3. CAM
  4. Both b & c


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