MCQs on Water harvesting and soil water conservation
Self-assessment Test (SAT)
Water Harvesting & Soil moisture Conservation
(Useful for students appearing JRF/SRF/NET-Agronomy, IBPS AFO, RAEO, RHEO, AAO, ASCO, ADA, IFFCO & other Agri-competitive examinations)
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Q.1 In-situ moisture conservation practice doesn’t focus on
- Reduction of runoff
- Reduction of infiltration of rainfall
- Increase in the infiltration of rainfall
- Increase in infiltration opportunity time
Q.2 Broad bed and furrow (BBF) method recommended by ICRISAT for
- Alluvial soil
- Lateritic soil
- Red soil
- Black soil
Q.3 Which among the following practice is not recommended for black soil
- Dead furrow
- Compartmental bunding
- All of the above
Q.4 Which among the following is not a component of the water harvesting system?
- Catchment area
- Storage facility
- Command area
- None
Q.5 The size of water harvesting pond for 1 ha area which can collect 30-40% runoff should be
- 100-200 square meter
- 250-300 square meter
- 500-1000 square meter
- 1000-2000 square meter
Q.6 Collection of runoff water into the micro and macro reservoir and recycling the stored water for irrigation called
- Water conservation
- Water-saving
- Water harvesting
- Water supplementing
Q.7 The optimum catchment to command area ratio for water harvesting for irrigating crops should be
- 1:1
- 1:2
- 1:5
- 1:10
Q.8 For a farm pond having constant volume, evaporation loss ll be higher for
- Shallow Pond
- Deep Pond
- Doesn’t depend on the depth
- Can’t be predicted
Q.9 Most of the farm ponds are of ____ types?
- Only excavated type
- Only embankment type
- Partially excavated and partially embankment type
- None
Q.10 The component of farm pond intended for disposing of excess water or prevention of overtopping due to unexpected inflow is called
- Embankment
- Bund
- Spillway
- Lining
Q.11 The capacity of a farm pond is calculated using
- Trapezoidal rule
- Spillman’s rule
- Manning’s formulae
- Both a & b
Q.12 Covered, underground tank, generally constructed of masonry or concrete for collection & storage of surface runoff & rainwater harvesting for use as drinking purpose is called
- Pond
- Nadi
- Khadin
- Tanka
Q.13 Which among the following is not a water conservation system?
- Khadin
- Scoop
- Percolation tank
- Aquifer
Q.14 Which of the following chemical is used for inducing runoff?
- Sodium salt of silicon
- Gypsum
- Basic slag
- All of the above
Q.15 Most economical lining material used in farm ponds to check percolation loss is
- Wax
- Cement
- Clay
- Sand
Q.16 Farm pond structure which has high water storage capacity?
- Square
- Trapezoidal
- Circular
- Doesn’t depend on the shape
Q.17 Which of the following practice is done to prevent infiltration loss and prolong submergence in rice crop?
- Beushening
- Parboiling
- Subsoiling
- Puddling
Q.18 Selection of the catchment area for water harvesting depends on
- Rainfall characteristics
- Topography
- Land use
- All of the above
Q.19 Which among the following is a disadvantage or limitation of rainwater harvesting?
- Require regular maintenance
- May attract mosquito or waterborne diseases if not installed correctly
- Limited rainfall limits the harvesting
- All of the above
Q.20 Which among the following is an advantage of rainwater harvesting?
- Increase water and energy conservation
- Improved quality and quantity of groundwater
- Excellent source of irrigation
- All of the above
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