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MCQs on Water harvesting and soil water conservation

Self-assessment Test (SAT)


Water Harvesting & Soil moisture Conservation


(Useful for students appearing JRF/SRF/NET-Agronomy, IBPS AFO, RAEO, RHEO, AAO, ASCO, ADA, IFFCO & other Agri-competitive examinations)



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Q.1 In-situ moisture conservation practice doesn’t focus on

  1. Reduction of runoff
  2. Reduction of infiltration of rainfall
  3. Increase in the infiltration of rainfall
  4. Increase in infiltration opportunity time

Q.2 Broad bed and furrow (BBF) method recommended by ICRISAT for

  1. Alluvial soil
  2. Lateritic soil
  3. Red soil
  4. Black soil

Q.3 Which among the following practice is not recommended for black soil

  1. BBF
  2. Dead furrow
  3. Compartmental bunding
  4. All of the above

Q.4 Which among the following is not a component of the water harvesting system?

  1. Catchment area
  2. Storage facility
  3. Command area
  4. None

Q.5 The size of water harvesting pond for 1 ha area which can collect 30-40% runoff should be

  1. 100-200 square meter
  2. 250-300 square meter
  3. 500-1000 square meter
  4. 1000-2000 square meter

Q.6 Collection of runoff water into the micro and macro reservoir and recycling the stored water for irrigation called

  1. Water conservation
  2. Water-saving
  3. Water harvesting
  4. Water supplementing

Q.7 The optimum catchment to command area ratio for water harvesting for irrigating crops should be

  1. 1:1
  2. 1:2
  3. 1:5
  4. 1:10

Q.8 For a farm pond having constant volume, evaporation loss ll be higher for

  1. Shallow Pond
  2. Deep Pond
  3. Doesn’t depend on the depth
  4. Can’t be predicted

Q.9 Most of the farm ponds are of ____ types?

  1. Only excavated type
  2. Only embankment type
  3. Partially excavated and partially embankment type
  4. None

Q.10 The component of farm pond intended for disposing of excess water or prevention of overtopping due to unexpected inflow is called

  1. Embankment
  2. Bund
  3. Spillway
  4. Lining

Q.11 The capacity of a farm pond is calculated using

  1. Trapezoidal rule
  2. Spillman’s rule
  3. Manning’s formulae
  4. Both a & b

Q.12 Covered, underground tank, generally constructed of masonry or concrete for collection & storage of surface runoff & rainwater harvesting for use as drinking purpose is called

  1. Pond
  2. Nadi
  3. Khadin
  4. Tanka

Q.13 Which among the following is not a water conservation system?

  1. Khadin
  2. Scoop
  3. Percolation tank
  4. Aquifer

Q.14 Which of the following chemical is used for inducing runoff?

  1. Sodium salt of silicon
  2. Gypsum
  3. Basic slag
  4. All of the above

Q.15 Most economical lining material used in farm ponds to check percolation loss is

  1. Wax
  2. Cement
  3. Clay
  4. Sand

Q.16 Farm pond structure which has high water storage capacity?

  1. Square
  2. Trapezoidal
  3. Circular
  4. Doesn’t depend on the shape

Q.17 Which of the following practice is done to prevent infiltration loss and prolong submergence in rice crop?  

  1. Beushening
  2. Parboiling
  3. Subsoiling
  4. Puddling

Q.18 Selection of the catchment area for water harvesting depends on

  1. Rainfall characteristics
  2. Topography
  3. Land use
  4. All of the above

Q.19 Which among the following is a disadvantage or limitation of rainwater harvesting?

  1. Require regular maintenance
  2. May attract mosquito or waterborne diseases if not installed correctly
  3. Limited rainfall limits the harvesting
  4. All of the above

Q.20 Which among the following is an advantage of rainwater harvesting?

  1. Increase water and energy conservation
  2. Improved quality and quantity of groundwater
  3. Excellent source of irrigation
  4. All of the above

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