Here are some of the books to help you for quick revision during your preparation.
This book provides glimpses about the living world and the importance and package and practices of field crop production in a way that will help the teachers and professors to teach the intermediate, undergraduate or post graduate students. This book is also recommended for the students who are in there vocational, under-graduation and post graduation program and willing to prepare for a good mark in their semester exam and for them who are appearing different competitive exams i.e. ICAR PG (JRF), ICAR PhD (SRF), ICAR NET, ARS, BHU (PG & PhD), CET, UPSC, State PSC, IBPS AFO etc. The authors have taken utmost care to provide error free information referring different reference books, competitive books and website of ICAR, IARI, TNAU, DAC&FW and also ICAR study materials which are specially designed according to the syllabus. However, suggestions from teachers and scientists are heartily welcome. The authors acknowledge all the teachers, friends and family members who have always tried to encourage and gave their advice and support for this directly or indirectly.
- The living world and plant kingdom
- Classification of crops
- Basic terminology and concepts
- Cereals and Millets
- Pulses, 6. Oilseeds
- Sugar crops
- Tuber crop
- Narcotic crop
- Fiber crops
- Forage crops
- Medicinal plants
- Aromatic plants
- Basic calculations in crop production
- Important MCQs
- Chapter-wise Important MCQs For Practice
- Memory Based MCQs Frequently Asked in JRF/SRF/NET/ARS
- Answer Keys
- Annexure 1: Origin, seed rate, spacing and RDF of crops
- Annexure 2: Test weight critical stages of irrigation and WR of crops
- Annexure 3: Terms associated with crop, antinutritional factor, first variety of crops, alternate name of different crops
- Annexure 4: Food value of different crops
- Annexure 5: MSP and MSP of crops
- Annexure 6: Production data of field crops
- Annexure 7: ICAR released new varieties
- Annexure 8 : Agricultural revolutions
- Annexure 9 : Important formulae
- Acknowledgement.

The book “Capsule of Soil Science” covers the entire syllabus of soil science as per the revised
ICAR prescription which fulfil the need of students appearing for various competitive examinations
like JRF, SRF, NET and ARS (Prelims), IARI entrance. This book has written by following the syllabi
of those competitive examinations and also took many days to collect, compile, edit and update large
widespread literatures from various text books, reference books, published literature, different websites
etc. to bring this piece of information in a readable shape. It comprises five chapters and five practice
sets for competitive examinations i.e. ICAR JRF, ICAR SRF, IARI Ph.D., ICAR NET, ARS etc. Each
chapter covers the point wise information about the content, most frequently asked fifty objective
questions and answers along with their insight description which will be useful to the students for
critical analysis and grasping the concepts easily. The book derives its architecture in five important
pillars as brief facts about the sub subjects of soil science i.e. Soil Pedology, Soil Physics, Soil
Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Soil Biology. The book is an attempt towards collecting sea into pot. We
should consider our labour well rewarded only if this book serves the needs of all concerned.
It is hoped that this book will meet the growing need of soil science students. Any suggestions for
improvement will be highly appreciated.
- Soil Pedology
- Soil Physics
- Soil Chemistry
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Biology
- Practice sets (Set 1-5) for ICAR JRF/SRF/NET and other competitive exams
- Acknowledgement.

This book is for them who are doing their graduation in Agriculture science and preparing for any entrance examination i.e. ICAR JRF/SRF/NET or IBPS AFO or NABARD etc. This book has been prepared for quick revision before the examination and not for clearing any doubt or concept. The author will be thankful if readers let the author know about your feelings regarding this ebook. This ebook is only available in Amazon and you can only access this ebook in Kindle device or Kindle software installed in your mobile or tablet. This book contains some agriculture facts and scenario of Indian agriculture as well as important points from different chapters of Agronomy. This book will help you for revising whole agronomy before the examination easily and may help you score good in the competitive examinations.
- Agricultural awareness
- Agrometeorology
- Soil management
- Tillage
- Crop management
- Cropping system
- Nutrient management
- Water management
- Dryland and watershed management
- Weed management
- Agricultural statistics
- Extra shots

This book is written for those agriculture graduates and post graduate students who are preparing for agriculture competitive examinations i.e. SAUs PG entrance (CET), BHU (PG), IBPS AFO, NABARD, IFFCO, NSC etc. One liner Q&A provided in this book has taken from different competitive books and compiled in such a way that students can better understand and link different concepts. I have tried to make it error free to my knowledge but if at any point you find mistake, then let me know about that I will definitely correct it in the next edition. I have published this book in amazon and in ebook format for some valid reasons i.e. Way cheaper than paperback and cost effective for students, can access anytime and anywhere, saves paper, can store numbers of book in your Amazon Kindle free app. Always remember objective books should only be referred during the examination and if you have completed your syllabus and grabbed the concepts from reference books otherwise go for standard reference books first and then go for objective books. All the very best for your examinations. This book contains some selective important questions and answers from different chapter of agriculture and allied sciences and useful for agriculture graduates and post graduate students preparing for SAUs PG entrances, BHU (PG), IBPS AFO, NABARD, IFFCO, NSC, RHEO, RAEO, ADA, AAO and other competitive examinations.
- Introduction to Indian Agriculture
- Agronomy
- Soil science
- Horticulture
- Genetics and Plant breeding
- Entomology
- Plant pathology
- Plant physiology
- Agricultural economics
- Agricultural extension
- Animal husbandry
- Agricultural engineering
- Agricultural statistics
- Extra shots