Crop growth and development Quiz-1
#1. Irreversible increase in size & weight of organism is known as __________?
#2. Which growth phase is known as grand period of growth?
#3. Group of seeds of which most cultivated crops belongs to __________?
#4. Which of the following is the example of Natural auxin?
#5. Which of the following hormone is responsible for Isodiametric growth of stem?
#6. Which of the following is known as stress hormone?
#7. Scientist who recognized the participation of chlorophyll and light in the photosynthesis?
#8. Which of the following is the first visible product of photosynthesis?
#9. For 1 molecule of CO2 reduction, how much quanta o light is used?
#10. Which cycle is known as Calvin cycle?
#11. Ratio of Chl a : Chl b in C3 plant is ______?
#12. Which type of plants have dimorphic chloroplast?
#13. Which of the following is an example of CAM plant?
#14. Which of the following crops hardly reach saturation even at full sunlight?
#15. Which of the following crops have higher CO2 saturation point?
Tagged crop development, crop growth, crop physiology